It does not matter which industry you work in or the profession you are in, you spend the majority of your weekdays in a work setting. Some of us spend more time with our colleagues than we spend with our own families. Without work-life balance, our work environments...
Communication is regarded as one of the most important skills an effective leader can have. This proficiency in communication extends beyond face-to-face conversations, phone calls, and presentations. Though the above examples certainly require excellent communication...
Strong leaders display many positive attributes. Some people might be surprised to learn that one such trait is an individual’s ability to both give and receive feedback, both positive and negative. Here are several methods for effective managers to offer and...
Learning and improving from personal experience is a great way to grow as a leader. Great leaders also know that preparation and research can teach lessons more quickly than if they were to make the mistakes themselves. Here are 6 books that every leader should read...
Leaders in a company or organization wear many hats. Their day-to-day job is much more than a typical job description would imply. Yes, they are probably responsible for sending reports and holding certain meetings. But they also hold a much bigger responsibility…...